Saturday, 18 July 2015

PC re olchiki Typing

Puylu download ma...
SOHAGEE.ttf (Olchiki unicode font)
NHM Writer
OL CHIKI_xml_(key)

Dosar paNjay ma:-
1- SOHAGEE (olchiki unicode font) install ma... file unzip ma....

3- NHM Writer file oTa kaTe  open ma....
Tayom... LaTar re olakan leka paNjay ma...

Open KaTe➡yes➡ next➡i accept agreement ➡next ➡ next ➡Language re HINDI (bachhon ma) ➡next ➡next ➡create a desktop icon (tik ma) ➡next ➡install➡Finish

  4- niToh jojom saha LaTar re gHanti (bell) symbol menah aa onde right click➡setting ➡import ➡olchiki unicode xml key (puilu Te bin download akada) open ma➡ok ➡scroll down kaTe SANTAL re tik ma , niT ona reyah sojhe jojom pahta re none olakana onde (right click ma) ➡alt+9 (select ma)➡ok➡ok....

5- for turn on olchiki ⏩bell symbol🛎(right click from status bar) it turns to yellow or  alt+9 (from keyboard)
6- for turn off KB⏩ alt+0

FIREFOX Browser khon:-

Firefox Browser open ma ➡setting ➡content ➡Font re SOHAGEE select ma

CHROME Browser khon:-

chrome Browser open ma ➡setting ➡Advance settings ➡customize font ➡Font re SOHAGEE select ma

⭐NiToh install kami joTowah huyena...
NiT firefox/chrome browser open kaTe Typing space re clik ma ➡ona Tayom bell symbol re left click r SANTALI OLCHIKI  select ma.... bell symbol re sasang rong(colour) njeloh aaa....
R nitoh typing ma....

Olchiki bako hijuh khan:-
➡ r dohra bell symbol njel ma (on akana che banga)
➡ browser mare ge khan bay njeloh aa.. update lakTi aaaa....
➡ nowa keyboard on lagid short Te alt+9 bon oTa dareyah aaaa.... r off lagiD alt+0 bon oTa dareyah aaa...
➡niT ho bang njeloh khan RESTART ma...

Keyboard sawn chiki renang

--QWERTY keypad sawn joporaw menah kowa chetanah chita.r leka
-- chiTa.r rin cheTan chiki lagiD shift key oTa huyuh aa...
-- nowa reyang joTokhon sores kaTha "ᱦ/ih" r "ᱷ/oh" lagiD shift reyah lakTi banuh aa, aj Tege onako sojHe aa...

Deher baday lagiD sagay dohoy ma
 Hapanbabu R. Tudu

OL CHIKI typing process watch video by click below


  1. This information is very useful for me. Thank you. For more details Click Here

  2. Good work. thank you for such kind of great information. For More

  3. ᱜᱚᱢᱠᱮ ᱟᱹᱞᱤᱧᱟᱜ pc offlinre ᱨᱮ ᱵᱟᱝ ᱧᱮᱞᱚᱜ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ ᱪᱮᱫᱽ ᱪᱮᱠᱟ ᱦᱩᱭᱩᱜᱼᱟ?

  4. this is website is good and this is artical is information is good. this is arical good

  5. Mobile re computer keyboard set kate chedlekate ol chiki type aang, please help me quickly...

  6. I understood this method &
    many days later but I can now write ol chiki in my PC LAPTOP
    ᱵᱟᱝ ᱜᱟᱱ ᱫᱟᱲᱮ ᱠᱟᱱ ᱛᱟᱦᱮᱱᱟ ᱟᱫᱚ process ᱵᱩᱡᱷᱟᱹᱣ ᱮᱱᱟ᱿
    ᱣᱤᱠᱤᱯᱤᱰᱤᱭᱟ ᱨᱮᱱᱟᱜ ᱦᱚᱨᱟ ᱞᱮᱠᱟ ᱛᱮ ᱫᱚ
    Caps lock & Shift ᱛᱮ ᱦᱩᱭᱩᱜ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ ᱱᱚᱶᱟ ᱨᱮᱫᱚ ᱥᱩᱢᱩᱝ ᱠᱮᱯᱥ ᱞᱚᱠ ᱜᱮ
    ᱟᱨ ᱴᱷᱟᱠᱮᱜ ᱪᱤᱱᱦᱟ ᱠᱚ ᱵᱟᱝ ᱧᱟᱢᱚᱜ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ᱿

  7. Ol chiki tech enem adi hahala geya abo sawnta lagit. Digital jug re ol chiki font lahanti racing re dao njam lagit abo technical bevar hm jasti huyu tabona . Adi sarhaw ge gankey🙏

  8. Windows 11 Home ᱨᱮ ᱵᱟᱭ ᱜᱟᱱᱚᱜ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ

    Keyboard map ᱨᱮᱭᱟᱜ XML file import ᱠᱟᱛᱮ ᱨᱮᱦᱚ‍‍ᱸ ᱯᱟᱹᱨᱥᱤ list ᱨᱮ ᱵᱟᱭ ᱧᱮᱞ ᱧᱟᱢᱚᱜ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ

    ᱚᱠᱚᱭᱟᱜ ᱠᱚ Windows 11 ᱨᱮᱭᱟᱜ Laptop ᱢᱮᱱᱟᱜ ᱠᱷᱟᱱ ᱵᱤᱰᱟᱹᱣ ᱯᱮᱥᱮ ᱛᱟᱵᱚᱱ

    1. ᱜᱟᱱᱻᱮᱱᱟ

      Step 4: Click “ ^ ” Show hidden icons, then Right Click on White bell icon “🔔” , after that all steps are followed as instructed above.

      When ever you want to type in Santali , you have to make sure that bell icon 🔔 turned yellow or not ? If it's 🔔 not yellow then turned into yellow and type in anywhere you wanted.

      “ ᱻ ” type ᱱᱮᱲᱟᱨᱮ ᱟᱭᱢᱟ ᱟᱱᱟᱴ ᱮᱴᱠᱮᱴᱚᱬᱮ ᱥᱤᱨᱡᱟᱹᱣᱜ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ ᱚᱱᱟᱛᱮ ᱤᱧ ᱫᱚ XML file ᱨᱮᱧ ᱟᱹᱨᱩ ᱧᱚᱜ ᱟᱠᱟᱫᱼᱟ

      ᱛ, ᱳ, ᱫ, ‍‍ᱸ, ᱬ ᱱᱩᱠᱩ ᱫᱚ Caps lock 🔒 ᱟᱛᱮ ᱮᱱᱟᱝ ᱴᱟᱭᱤᱯ ᱫᱚ ᱠᱚ ᱜᱟᱱᱚᱜ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ Shift ᱥᱟᱶ ᱫᱚ ᱵᱟᱝᱟ ᱤᱧᱟᱜ ᱞᱟᱯᱴᱚᱯ ᱨᱮ ᱢᱟ

    2. ᱢᱤᱫ Customize Keyboard XML file : Santal Keyboard.xml ᱡᱟᱦᱟᱸ ᱨᱮᱫᱚ ᱟᱞᱜᱟ ᱛᱮ ᱻ, ᱺ, " ᱠᱚ ᱵᱚᱱ type ᱫᱟᱲᱮᱭᱟᱜᱼᱟ ᱟᱨ ᱱᱚᱶᱟ ᱫᱚ OL CHIKI_xml_(key) : OLCHIKI_UNICODEKEYBOARD.xml ᱵᱚᱫᱚᱞ ᱛᱮᱢ ᱵᱮᱵᱷᱟᱨ ᱫᱟᱲᱮᱭᱟᱜᱼᱟ

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